Starting a business in your Second Life

Veröffentlicht am: Jan 16, 2007
Entrepreneurship Campus

Von Entrepreneurship Campus

Starting a business in your Second Life

I just found a nice & short article by Laura Tiffany on, which introduces the virtual environment Second Life and reflects a bit about the abundant entrepreneurial opportunities present in this new business environment where people spend about 1’000’000 $ per day!

I especially agree on the importance of the following and question Laura poses: “But the bottom line for entrepreneurs is, will Second Life really pan out? Or is it just hype, since the majority of people have never ventured virtually or even heard of it?” Laura at least answers positively: “Your mom may never understand exactly what a 3D world is, or the point of an avatar. But enough other people do that a whole new class of entrepreneurs has been born to serve their needs.”

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Max Senges


Bernd Schmitz von der Rheinischen Fachhochschule schreibt hier ein wahrscheinlich realistische – counter-hype
bericht ueber die moeglichkeiten und die limits des geldverdienens in SL


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